Volume Of Cylinder Interactive Game
Solids (3-D shapes), volume, and surface areaWith this interactive 3-D shape explorer, you can visualize and rotate the following solids: cube, cuboid (a.k.a rectangular prism), tetrahedron, square pyramid, octahedron, triangular prism, and cylinder. Drag the shape with the mouse to rotate it.
See the net of each solid (click the button 'unfold'). The activity allows students to easily count the number of faces, edges, and vertices of the solids.This unit cube activity helps students understand 3-dimensional space, visualize solids in it, and to understand the basic idea of volume. It's most useful for grades 3-5. You're given a shape made with unit cubes on the left and you need to build the same shape in the workarea on the right.Select the name and drop it on the correct solid.Learn about different solids and rotate them.Click to identify the partially buried 3-dimensional shapes.Customizable worksheets for volume / surface area of cubes & rectangular prisms.
Includes the option of using fractional edge lengths. Here is a non-intimidating way to prepare students for formal geometry. Key to Geometry workbooks introduce students to a wide range of geometric discoveries as they do step-by-step constructions. Using only a pencil, compass, and straightedge, students begin by drawing lines, bisecting angles, and reproducing segments. Later they do sophisticated constructions involving over a dozen steps-and are prompted to form their own generalizations.
When they finish, students will have been introduced to 134 geometric terms and will be ready to tackle formal proofs.A textbook/workbook together for grades 6-7, written by the owner of this site. It continues the study of geometry after Math Mammoth Geometry 1, continually emphasizing conceptual understanding, besides calculation-type exercises. Price: $5.70 download, $10.40 printed.andThese interactive demonstrations let you see either various cuboids (a.k.a. Boxes or rectangular prisms) or various shapes made of unit cubes, and then 'explode' them to the unit cubes, illustrating volume.andShoot (select) the shapes with a given volume in cubic units. They also have more (select/shoot different shapes).A collection of quality worksheets with variable problems for grades 3-8. Topics include angle relationships, triangles, quadrilaterals, congruency, similar figures, constructions, area, volume, and the Pythagorean Theorem.
Price: $9.00 download.Explore or calculate the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms and triangular prisms. You can change the base, height, and depth interactively.An online quiz, asking either the volume or surface area of cubes, prisms, spheres, cylinders, or cones. You can modify the quiz parameters to your liking, for example to omit some shapes, solve only for volume or surface area, or instead of solving for volume/surface area, you solve for an unknown dimension (side or radius) when the volume or surface area is given.With this list of internet based activities you can go through acomprehensive study of polyhedra according to objectives of 8th grade.Introduction of the concept, links, great applet illustrating the 5 regular polyhedra.A supplement to middle school geometry, Dr. Math Introduces Geometry has a light tone, clear layout, and humorous cartoons by Jessica Wolk-Stanley. The best part is that the explanations to math questions are accurate and clear.
You'll find answers to dozens of real questions from students who needed help understanding the basic concepts of geometry. This book covers angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, area, perimeter, Pi, circle parts, polyhedra, surface area, volume, nets, congruent transformations, and symmetry. Price $12 new, $1-6 used.An interactive activity - explore the surface area and volume of a cuboid, calculate them, or find the volume when the areas of the faces are known.This site provides hundreds of free printable paper models for various solids, including platonic solids, pyramids, and lots of polyhedra.
Some are available as colored versions also.Word problems from OpusMath - choose the ones you want and then build a Word document from them. Answer keys available. Free registration required.Instructions for building geodesic play-domes out of cardboard or plastic. The site includes two free printable dome models and a book that contains plans for constructing nine kinds of domes in any size desired.An excellent choice for high school geometry. I've written an of this book and of its supplement Home Study Companion - Geometry, latter by David Chandler.
This ITP has been remade so that it will work in modern browsers. It will remain free to use.This ITP allows you to control two taps that pour a liquid in and out of a measuring cylinder. You can set the scale on the cylinder to a maximum of 50, 100, 200, 500 or 1000 units and the scale interval to 1, 2, 5 or 10 units.
Finding Volume Interactive

Volume Of Cylinder Interactive Game 2

You can simply turn the taps on and off and ask questions that involve prediction, addition and subtraction. Using the inlet and outlet controls to set the amount of liquid to pour in and out of the cylinder offers the opportunity for the introduction of multiplication (repeated addition) and division (repeated subtraction) too. A marker can be set to indicate an early quantity.The ITP can be used to explore and consolidate the interpretation and reading of scales, mental calculation strategies and methods of recording. Using different scales can support children’s estimation skills and provides a context for problem solving involving capacity and volume.