Fully Automated Windows 7 Installation
'%systemroot%program fileswindows aiktoolsx86oscdimg -lW7DVD -h -n -m -bD:w7bootetfsboot.com d:w7 d:w7.iso'your iso file should be saved as d:w7.iso.9. Install any virtual machine, I strongly recommend using vmware (I'll tell you why we don't use a secondary partition on the later part of this post).a. For vmware, install it, run it, from the menu select create new virtual machine.b. You have to choose these settings, number of processors: 2, RAM: 512 MB, virtual hard disk: 60 GB.c.
From the advanced menu for virtual hard disk, select Independent & Persistence.d. From the cd-dvd choise, select 'use iso image'.10. Select d:w7.iso as the iso source.11. Create a virtual hard disk with 60 gb of size.12. Start your machine, windows installation will be started normally, accept license, and then create two partitions.13. Windows setup will complete the process and will give you a page where you can enter your product key, do not type anything just press ctrl+shift+f3 which will reboot your pc to audit mode and a default sysprep window will appear, do not close this.14. Install your necessary applications, reboot if necessary, apply registry tweaks, note that registry keys having value 'HKEYCURRENTUSER' won't work, you have to run them via setupcomplete.cmd.15.
On the sysprep window select Enter system out of box experience, select shutdown and then run sysprep.16. I suggest using vmware as this gives v2p (virtual to physical) feature, mount your virtual hard disk with the drive letter z:17. Click start-windows aik tools command prompt type.
Imagex /compress fast /check /flags 'Ultimate' /capture z: d:install.wim 'Windows 7 Ultimate' 'Windows 7 Ultimate x86'note that 'Ultimate' is flag and it may vary according to your windows 7 version18. Now you have a wim file as D:install.wim replace D:w7sourcesinstall.wim with this one.19. Download and install winintegrator (it requires.net framework 4 beta 2 to be installed).20. Run winintegrator, select your location of windows 7 media such as D:w7.21. You can integrate drivers (can be downloaded from driverpacks.net), remove unnecessary packages via winintegrator (but once you have finished removing packages these can never be added).22. Create an autounattended.xml file following my attachments (I've done this to cover product key check).23.
Copy this autounattended.xml file to D:w7.24. Make an iso image of your windows 7 installation files using commands we used at step 8.25. Burn this iso image to a DVD, then you will get your unattended DVD!!!N.B. We can't use a secondary partition such as D: as we will have some problem with some software because of this. Specially if you install windows on partition D:, and install programs that make directory D:MSOCache then whenever you imaged your pc, make an unattended DVD, setup windows on partition C: by this DVD, you will face problems.Useful links:a) windows aik:pe explorer:c) win integrator:d).net framework 4 beta 2:e) vmware:f) gimagex:g) necessary driverpacks:h) uxtheme patcher for 7 RTM (you have to use it at audit mode):Attachments:And that's the end, if you have problems post it here, I'll try to resolve them.
Edited April 17, 2010 by computergururemoved poll. Sorry computerguru, from what I've see its more like customizing 7 dvd rather than unattended installation. From what I've see u r using reverse integration methode just the same as integrating service pack into windows image without breakin' sysprep.
Nothing personal, unattended installation more than just installing application during sysprep n then repack ur image.Hello to everyone again, I was busy with my study and so I can't able to read your responses. @maxxpsoft and others I have given autounattend.xml & tweaks.reg only as framework or as a sample, you may use your own scripts instead of mine.You ask me how I didn't use vista/se7en ua DVD creator or any other software.

Sorry arsevenam your tool may be helpful to someone but NOT TO ME!!! If I use the method of installing applications via your appswitch.dat method it will take at least 1 hour to install windows, AND THE TIME TO INSTALL WINDOWS IS THE MAIN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN XP AND VISTA/7 INSTALLATION ROUTINE. I integrate office 2010 professionalplus, nero 9, mozilla firefox, adobe acrobat with my installation DVD image, if I use your tool I've to spend more than 1 hour to install windows everytime I want to install windows also I have to make silent installation packages which is so much bogus and time spoiling method to me.
Why you spoil your time? If you follow my method INSTALLATION ONLY TAKES 12 MINUTES & YOU WILL SEE YOUR DESKTOP WITHIN 14 MINUTES!!! And guyz who adviced me, most possibly didn't read the start of my post carefully.

I've written I've done a lot of research, and off course I was tried vista/se7en ua DVD creator and IT SEEMS NOT SO HELPFUL TO ME.And for the unattended setup I am now going to attach my autounattend.xml which I used with windows vista(installation time takes longer if you try to install long sized apps through it), IF U NEED EXPLANATION PLZ POST IT HERE, OTHERWISE I'LL ASSUME THAT U DON'T NEED EXPLANATION.Again thanks to everyone to read my post and posting responses.Edited March 23, 2010 by computerguru. Thanks 2 everybody.
Today I am going to start posting complex part of this guide. In this I will try to cover various sections, such as custom setup.exe, reducing setup time & appearance etc.You may know that we can use our custom setup environment instead of the MS provided default. Which will be much more efficient and useful. In the default windows 7 setup routine, we can't install windows on USB hard disks (or R-Driver linked SATA hard disks), IEEE 1394 connected devices, which I think a big disadvantage (cause if you are using netbooks on most cases your SSD must not be more than 16 GB). And also we can't even use USB drives during setup, further more I don't think it provides much more support for recovery. But if we can use such an setup environment which gives us oppurtunities to install windows on a USB hard disk or on a network share it will be great (I think so).
Also it will gives us much more oppurtunities for branding and helps us understanding the setup routine clearly.What we need:1. Windows AIK for Windows 72.
Any software or programming language to create executable and binary and library files.I'll start posting later today. Thanks Computerguru a good guide.Excuse my ignorance, but I am a newbie in programming, really I don't know anything about codes, but I want to make my own image.a) I use 64-bit, my machine has only one hard drive (C: ) and the original image is in C: W7enB) The VMware virtual machine version 7.01c) Question in step 9b are 2 processors and 1 core or 1 processor and 2 cores.d) In step 9c, in Advance I do not find anything that says independent & persistencee) Step 9d OKf) Step 10 C: W7.isog) Steps 11-15 OK, In step 15, the virtual machine shutdown. Hello Computerguru and all body hereThank you for your guide, I was able to clarify all doubts least startnet, and I do all the steps without any kind of problem and the installation of w7 with all my Apps and tweaks were very fast. Now I am waiting for your 2nd post. The only thing left to do is install the HKCU tweaks using startnet.cmd.
If you or somebody in this wonderful forum has an example or guide on how to use startnet.cmd and where put it in the image, please let me know. Thanks in advance. Hello Computerguru and all body hereThank you for your guide, I was able to clarify all doubts least startnet, and I do all the steps without any kind of problem and the installation of w7 with all my Apps and tweaks were very fast. Now I am waiting for your 2nd post.

The only thing left to do is install the HKCU tweaks using startnet.cmd. If you or somebody in this wonderful forum has an example or guide on how to use startnet.cmd and where put it in the image, please let me know. Thanks in advanceThanks Yesnovato for practising. It's a universal truth that whenever you enter into an experiment you can notice it's instances, usefulness and weakness. But without experimenting you can't just declare a method as good or as bad, which some of users have declared.HKCU(HKEYCURRENTUSER) values must be applied under an administrator or a limited or a guest user and settings applied via HKCU keys are only applicable to the user account, under which they are applied.setupcomplete.cmd is executed just after finishing the setup and before user desktop environment initializes, so I was wrong, a.reg files including HKCU values shouldn't be applied via setupcomplete.cmd, rather it should be applied via RunOnce. As RunOnce commands are executed after finishing user desktop environment initialization, all settings necessary for HKCU values have been applied.
There are differrent methods to run a registry scripts via RunOnce, in my case I've created two registry files, one for setting RunOnce values, second is the tweaks.reg.First registry file looks like. Regedit /s%systemroot%setupscripts1.regNote that setupcomplete.cmd, 1.reg, tweaks.reg files should be on 'C:Windowssetupscripts' folder when windows setup executes them and%systemroot% refers to C:Windows. You may add these files via $OEM$ method.
Windows 7 Download
Just make directory UnattendedDVDSOURCES$OEM$$$SETUPSCRIPTS and copy all three files to the directory( to SCRIPTS folder).The other method is mount your install.wim with write access. Go to mount location, navigate to windows folder create two folders as the directory structure will be%mountlocation%windowssetupscripts, copy your setupcomplete.cmd, 1.reg and tweaks.reg to the scripts folder, now unmount the wim file after applying the changes.Maybe it's just enough for you.
If you need further information, post it here.Oh! And about the 2nd part of my guide, I'm very very busy with my study (as my exam is just knocking at the door), but I'm trying my best to post, now I'm collecting necessary screenshots (as I think they are required to understand my post), and if everything will ok, I'll start posting within two days.
Thanks for your interest. Edited April 17, 2010 by computerguru.